Fields of Hope

        心念一動、心血來潮想寫寫《Fields of Hope》,《Fields of Hope》是《Gundam Seed Destiny》插曲,這首歌演唱門檻不高,原本曲就優美只要主唱者聲音好聽,唱起來自然都會好聽,Yotube網站有許多網友翻唱,歌曲如何唱得有吸引力比別人有特色就有難度。一直聽《Fields of Hope》總讓我有「似曾相似」的感覺,看到作曲作詞者是梶浦由記恍然大悟,梶浦由記同樣替《魔法少女小圓》作詞作曲,聽眾可同樣用希望與絕望的觀點賞析《Fields of Hope》。


《Fields of Hope》直接翻成中文是「希望領域」,我認為翻譯為「希望之地」會比較貼切。《摩西出埃及》故事上帝答應給猶太人一塊「應許之地」,日文歌詞整體給我有類似的感覺,希望女神給人們一塊寧靜安詳和平的「希望之地」。


Fields of Hope

《Fields of Hope》插曲出現在《Gundam Seed Destiny》動畫最後一話,戰爭元兇議長掛掉,接續《Fields of Hope》插曲,拉克絲得知基拉與阿斯蘭依然活著的表情是經典,定了定神拉克絲向ZAFT陣營提議休戰,雙方釋放和平訊號結束戰爭。

《Fields of Hope》對應《魔法少女小圓》最後一話的歌曲《ひかりふる》,腦殘真總算恢復了理智變成正常人,阿斯蘭駕駛正義鋼彈救走真與露娜兩人。

《Fields of Hope》是象徵愛與和平,充滿希望的歌曲。


Fields of Hope (Japanese w/ Eng. subs)



高达seed拉克丝的《fields of hope》的中文歌词谁有


こんなに冷(つめ)たい 帐(どばり)の深(ふか)くで


祈(いの)りの歌声(うたごえ) 寂(さび)しい野原(のはら)を

小(ちい)さな光(ひかり)が 照(て)らしてた



懐(なつ)かしく まだ远(とお)く それは未来(みらい)の约束(やくそく)

いつか绿(みどり)の朝(あさ)に いつかたどり着(つ)けると

冬枯(ふゆが)れた この空(そら)を信(しん)じているから

Fields of hope

Fields of hope

生(う)まれて来(き)た日(ひ)に 抱(た)きしめてくれた

优(やさ)しいあの手(て)を 捜(さが)してる

祈(いの)りの歌声(うたごえ) 一(ひと)つ消(き)えて

また始(はじ)まる 頼(たよ)りなく切(せつ)なく続(つづ)く

いつか绿(みどり)の朝(あさ)へ 全(つべ)ての夜(よる)を越(こ)えて


今(いま)がただこの胸(むね)で 贵方(あなた)を暖(あたた)めたい

懐(なつ)かしく まだ远(とお)い 安(やす)らぎのために

Fields of hope

懐(なつ)かしく まだ远(とお)い 约束(やくそく)の野原(のはら)

Fields of hope

Fields of hope

Fields of hope





GUNDAM SEED DESTINY - Fields of Hope 中文版 輕塵


主唱表現好。中文版填詞的人厲害!歌詞簡潔有力。中文歌詞與原本日文歌詞差很多,中文版變成另一個悲傷的故事。背景歌出現 Fields of Hope 讓人感到突兀、不適合。


Fields of Hope ~English~


This world we live of dark and pain

Beneath a veil, so cold and vain

I see you sleep, in peace, you keep

Safe and alone

I sing a song of prayer and faith

To keep you warm, to keep you safe

These lonely fields will hear my fears

And shine anew


I watched as you dreamed through the darkest nights

A laugh and smile to bring forth the light

So near, yet so far; I'll find where you are

And we'll keep till tomorrow within my heart


A day of a morning so pure and green

That day we will wake to a brand new sheen

The sky gray with snow will fade away slow

But believe that we'll make it through

Fields of Hope


This world we came from gentle hands,

And now we seek that warmth again

So lost and cold it's hard to hold

All that's been lost

I sing a song of prayer and hope

As nothing lasts forever, we learn to cope

And start again where we begin the flow again


Together we'll travel the lonely nights

To morning so green, to the purest lights

The place we all seek from darkness too deep

Lights will guides us through always, its path we'll keep


I pray with my heart in this song I sing

To keep you in warmth as you take your wing

So near yet so far, you'll find where you are

In peace I pray that you'll find

Fields of Hope


So near, yet so far... I'll know where you are

With a promising faith you'll find

Fields of Hope

Fields of Hope

Fields of Hope

這首英文版的歌詞寫得非常好!符合主題「Fields of Hope」

Fields Of Hope - Desiree Parker (Lyrics)


Beneath the veil of starry sky,

As cold as Winter's darkest night.

It's there you sleep, silent and deep,

You're all alone.


I sing the prayer's soft melody,

Across the lonely silent fields. 

A little light began to shine,

It shines on and on.


I watched as you so peacefully dreamed,

You laughed like a child, happy and carefree.

It's all familair and yet so far,

That's the future's promise for you and me.


One day on a green and shining morn,'

One day we will finally make it through.

Cause in this sky, so dark with Winter,

We still have to believe it's true.


Fields of Hope.


A gentle touch, a loving brush,

Those things I still search for.

A prayer in a melody, 

It goes on and on.


I sing the prayer's soft melody,

One vanishes, one dies.

And all in all,

It starts again, a never ending cycle.


One day on a green and shining morn,'

Through all the long nights we've been fighting for,

There lies a place, far from disgrace, 

Where we won't have to hide from the world again.


Now there lies a deep love within my heart,

A yearn to protect you and keep you warm,

It's all familiar and yet so far,

It's made for the peace of mind.


Fields of Hope.


Natsukashiku mada tooi,

Yakusoku no nohara.


Fields of Hope,

Fields of Hope.

Fields of Hope.






Gundam SEED destiny - Fields of Hope (Spanish Fandub) LACUS CLYNE SONG




Fields of Hope (English) ~ Gundam SEED Destiny (Guitar and Vocal cover)






Fields of Hope - Lacus Clyne (Gundam Seed) Cover



【合唱9人】【Fields of Hope (Tanaka Rie)】を歌ってみた【甘夢メロディ AYM】



初音ミクに田中理恵の「Fields of hope」を歌ってもらいました




歌ってみた*Fields of hope*ニャル




[COVER] Fields of Hope (Originally by 田中理恵/Tanaka Rie)


低沈有磁性的少女音,主唱者 TheMayflin 的聲音非常好聽!2012年主唱者的聲音聽起來很年輕,看她還有翻唱《數碼寶貝》的歌曲,猜想2012年她大約十三歲上下。不知為何? TheMayflin 近年來沒有什麼作品,感謝他提供百聽不厭版《Fields of Hope》。





異世界NTR web版第三章 觀後感 喧賓奪主 ,反派實力過強

泛而不精的我被逐出了勇者隊伍 web第三章 觀後感 菲莉真能打; 露娜超爽der

持有縮小技能的D級冒險者,與聖女結婚並加入勇者團隊 漫畫 01-04 觀後感 大我與小我