神祕的世界 ちいさな花 英文版 Little flower

      在Youtube上面發現神祕世界英文版的影片,結尾歌曲”ちいさな花”原本以為還是由天野由梨主唱,英文版有英文版的結尾歌曲 “Little flower”





Little flower, I see
You know the very place you must be.
Right there, blooming at my feet.

Perfect and complete,
Innocent and bright.
Each day, you give yourself to the light.

You sway in any gentle wind,
And you bring such pleasure to my eyes.

You drink your fill of summer rain,
And I know this vision will not die,
Watching you bloom peacefully...

Sweet, little flower,
You know where you must be...

Little flower, I pray
That I may be like you one day.
So pure, the earth below my feet.

Perfect and complete,
Innocent and bright.
Each day, I'll give myself to the light.

I'll learn to dance in any wind.
I will grow stronger and more kind.

I'll bless the sunshine and the rain,
Living on, and when I say good-bye,
Somewhere I'll bloom peacefully.

Sweet, little flower,
I'll know where I must be...

日文版Ifurita的聲優天野由梨將Ifurita表現得很好,英文版的 Ifurita 也有英文版的長處,Ifurita是洋妞聽到洋妞說英文會覺得比較自然。

日文版的歌詞有兩種意境,「小花對應天空」與「小花代表Ifurita 」,英文版的歌詞就直接強調「小花即Ifurita ,Ifurita 即小花」,兩個版本的歌曲都很好聽。



異世界NTR web版第三章 觀後感 喧賓奪主 ,反派實力過強

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